International Yoga Day

Every year, on June 21, International Yoga Day is celebrated. It is a celebration of the physical and spiritual skills that yoga has brought to the world stage. Millions join in and practice on a daily basis because it is an important source of exercise and healthy activity. For many individuals, these practices are a way to unite the body, mind, and soul in a way that has existed for centuries. On International Yoga Day try to relax your mind and stretch your body like never before.

International Yoga Day


Individuals around the world are all set to take out their yoga mats and begin exercising for International Yoga Day, but they might not be familiar that yoga goes back centuries.

Yoga is an ancient practice created in India, 5,000 years ago. Yoga was developed as a way to step closer to enlightenment by interconnecting the mind, body, and soul. After the practice became popular in the west, with claims to help the body’s general well-being and alleviate physical injuries and chronic pain, it became popularized as an exercise and relaxation method.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi first proposed the idea of International Yoga Day on September 27, 2014. It happened during his speech at the UN General Assembly, where India’s Ambassador, Asoke Kumar Mukerji introduced a resolution to establish June 21 as International Yoga Day.

The Summer Solstice, June 21 was chosen as the date of International Yoga Day. This is the day where there is the most sun out of every other day of the year. Altogether, it received support from 177 nations, proclaiming June 21 as International Yoga Day. This was the highest number of co-sponsors for any UN resolution.

On the first International Yoga Day, June 21, 2015, in New Delhi almost 36,000 people, including Prime Minister Modi, and many other high-profile political figures from all around the world, for 35 minutes performed 21 asanas [yoga postures]. This day has been celebrated around the world since that time.

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Timeline of International Yoga Day

200 BCE (Beginnings) – The earliest reports for the existence of Yoga were determined to be about this era.

September 27,  2014 (India proposes) – Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Indian delegation propose to establish International Yoga Day.

June 21, 2015 (First Ever) – The first-ever Yoga Day was celebrated by over 36,000 people in India.

June 21, 2018 (Yoga for All) – The largest yoga lesson took place in India, with around 100,000 participants.

Traditions of the International Yoga Day

There aren’t any time-honored traditions because International Yoga Day is a relatively new holiday. But yoga itself is an ancient art that soothes the soul and refreshes the mind. The day aims to inspire new people to embrace the yogi lifestyle and align with their inner chakra.

Beginners sign up for yoga and make their own flow of movements to their favored relaxing music. New mats and yoga pants are bought before starting yoga. Those individuals who are already skilled at yoga try out new combinations and familiarize their friends with them. Instructors also offer special group yoga retreats.

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International Yoga Day

FAQs about International Yoga Day

How can I begin to practice yoga?

As there is no wrong way to begin, you can look for yoga studios or local gyms that offer yoga lessons, or you can practice with video tutorials and some relaxing music at home.

What does Om mean?

It is said to be an interpretation of the universe’s sound. Though not mandatory, it is a way to seal in the lessons of the yoga class.

What kind of equipment do I require to practice yoga?

The most essential pieces of equipment are a yoga mat and flexible athletic clothing. The yoga mat is not critical and you can borrow the ones from your fitness center if you are taking it slow; it also helps to find out which kind of mat (thick or thin) — you prefer.

Activities On National Yoga Day

Bring Your Tree Pose to Nature – Practicing outdoors can breathe some fresh air into your yoga poses. Practice at your local park, on the beach, or even in your backyard. It can be much more engaging when you surround yourself with a new environment by having new things to focus on.

Do your “om” thing – Discover new combinations to your favorite music and create your own flow of movements. Sometimes a change in music or movement can help you sync your breathing perfectly to musical transitions and focus your energy.

Introduce a friend to the yogi lifestyle – In order to revamp your practice, bringing a friend can be just the right motivation you need. Their presence will inspire you to strengthen your poses, and also they can score big on free yoga deals for new students.

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5 Interesting Facts About Yoga

1) Lots of Americans practice yoga – Approximately 36 million Americans claim to do yoga regularly, which is about 10% of the population.

2) One for everyone – More than a hundred styles of yoga exist.

3) A social media hit – On Instagram, at any given time, 60 million posts are trending.

4) The Yoga mat was invented in 1982 – To create a comfortable, slip-free surface, Angela Farmer used carpet underlay.

5) It is inspirational – Elizabeth Gilbert was inspired to write the best-seller “Eat Pray Love” which stemmed from her experiences with yoga.

International Yoga Day

Why Do We Love International Yoga Day?

It is inclusive – Individuals of all age groups, nationalities, religions, and social backgrounds can celebrate because yoga is accessible to all. There are so many different types of yoga practices, and it is possible for anyone to start. Fitness levels and size do not matter. There are shifts for every yoga pose and beginner classes in every style.

Yoga helps you manage stress – Life is stressful sometimes, and it can affect our physical bodies. If you have neck or back pain, headaches, and sleeping problems, regular yoga practice creates mental clarity, calmness, and alleviates chronic stress, which means it will help you with all of the above.

Practicing yoga is healthy – Yoga strengthens and stabilizes the spine, alleviating back pain, stress, anxiety, and tension. Maintaining a balanced metabolism helps with weight reduction and increases flexibility. And these are only some of its benefits.

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